Data Repository
BonaRes Repository for Soil and Agricultural Research Data
The BonaRes Repository makes your data visible to the world. It is a free infrastructure for researchers and the community to publish and find data related to soil, agriculture and ecology from Germany and the world. In our repository you can publish your data and receive a unique digital object identifier (DOI). We offer several additional services such as our long-term field experiment map, our soil profile data base, community engagement and soil data related materials.

Publish data into the BonaRes Repository
Ask for support or upload your data directly.
Success Stories - Data reuse

Cenk Dönmez
Cenk Dönmez - ORCID
Data reuse in GIS
Long Term Experiment (LTE=>20a) metadata set, downloaded through the BonaRes Repository with DOI
Quantifying anticipated spatially differentiated changes in agroclimatic conditions
Comparing a baseline period (1971–2000) with future timeframes (2021–2100) in line with the IPCC's Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP)
Facilitating future soil and crop modeling studies using LTE data and providing essential data for planning new LTE sites.

Marcus Schmidt - ORCID
Data Synthesis in the SIGNAL project
The SIGNAL project worked on common plots and coordinated data collection from the start.
This paid out by data that could be combined to see overall ecosystem patterns.
Data quality and openness contributed to highranking publication.

Do you have a data reuse story to tell?
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Data of the month (DOM)
Field traffic GPS records, campaign silage maize 2015/2016, Project SOILAssist
Katja Augustin & Joachim Brunotte
In the course of the SOILAssist project, RTK GPS recordings of field cultivation driving activities are continuously performed. The dataset contains the records of the silage corn campaign 2015/2016 of the agricultural test field 1 in Adenstedt (Hildesheim district, Lower Saxony, Germany).
Previous Data of the month
You are looking to publish your research data?
Ask for support or upload your data directly!!
Looking for long-term experiments (LTE) ?
We have collected information about 532 LTE in Europe and Germany together with partners from EJP SOIL. This information has been compiled in a dynmic online map.
You are interested in publishing such data or information (metadata) about your experiment?
Get in touch with Cenk Dönmez for support or publish directly!!
Selected publications
Soil profiles
BonaRes Soil Profile Database

We offer easy and standardized access to uniformly structured and stored soil profile data for research. You can search for existing soil profiles or enter new ones with associated laboratory analyzes into the BonaRes Repository and publish them.
Published soil profiles receive a DOI individually or as a collection, and are therefore accessible, reusable and citable for other scientists.
Ask for support or publish you profile data directly!!
Engage - Become part of our community!
Soil is just as divers as the community studying it. That’s because soil touches so many research areas, for example microbiology, hydrology, climatology & ecology. All these scientific fields produce data related to soils - and this data is required for further studies, meta-analyses, models or political recommendations.

Agredit - AGROVOC Review & Discussion Tool
The AGROVOC is a collection of agricultural terms and definitions in multiple languages, aimed to standardize searching and indexing of agricultural terms. We developed the Agredit tool as a place for user-driven improvement of the AGROVOC. You can use it to idenfiy and discuss keywords and share your expertise.
Reports & Dokuments