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Duration: From Jul 1, 2015 until Jan 31, 2025
Target Groups: soil research community, wider research community, policy makers, agricultural extensionists, education

About the Project:

How can soil protection be optimized when driving on arable land? What tools does farmers need to plan and implement sustainable soil management strategies? On-farm research on farms in the SOILAssist consortium with the latest agricultural technology and innovative methods answers these questions.
Lanes during sugar beet harvesting
(c) Thünen

Goal and approach

In recent decades, agricultural machinery has become ever larger and heavier. They can place high weights on the soil which can lead to compaction under unfavorable conditions, damaging the soil structure and limiting its functionality as well as its economic and ecological performance. In addition, expensive special machinery requires high capacity utilization, which means that arable land is often cultivated at sub-optimal times. This is where the SOILAssist project starts. The aim is to take a holistic view of agricultural soil protection when driving on arable land. This means maintaining the soil structure through adapted management and recognizing and avoiding negative changes. Therefore, methods were investigated on arable land in Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein (e.g. field trials, UAV flights, interviews) in order to evaluate and further develop soil-conserving methods in a practical manner. Based on these findings, tools and models were developed for planning field access at various scales and for optimization during field work. In addition, the SOILAssist findings are incorporated into practice and policy advice in the form of information and teaching materials.

Most important findings

Soil protection is often neglected when driving on arable land due to high soil moisture , wheel loads and rollover frequencies of the equipment used or the pressure of weather or delivery deadlines. Soil compaction is a very dynamic process in terms of space and time. Model results from SOILAssist with the FiTraM, SaSCiA and SDiF models on driving intensity, compaction risk and soil physical changes from the field to the national scale show a high heterogeneity of loads and hazards due to driving. These occur within arable areas as well as temporally within the season and between years.

In order to avoid compaction, machine loads must therefore be adapted to the current soil conditions. SOILAssist has developed an assistance system that optimizes machine parameters and driving routes. Sensors indicate the current soil load and the system suggests specific measures such as adjusting the tire pressure or reducing the machine load, e.g. reducing the bunker capacity. By optimizing the routes of all machines, the overall load on the field can be significantly reduced. Based on the current field condition, a route planning tool provides each machine with optimized routes to minimize the negative effects of driving through the field. A process monitoring system recognizes critical conditions, adjusts parameters and also enables online replanning for partially harvested fields.

The “trafficability” decision matrix was developed to provide farmers with a planning tool for forward-looking, soil-conserving management. For this purpose, the sensitivity of the soil to compaction is compared with the soil load caused by agricultural machinery for different crops, operations and techniques on a daily basis. Short-term forecasts of trafficability (isabel.dwd.de) can support current work planning, while information on average trafficability days (daten.ktbl.de/feldarbeitstage/) is the basis for investment and deployment planning for machinery. Farmers agree that soil impact should be avoided, but are often faced with conflicting situations regarding implementation, which makes it difficult to apply suitable solutions. Therefore, planning tools are seen to be helpful. Important soil parameters relating to the consequences of compaction are not always comprehensively addressed in basic and advanced training. New teaching materials from the SOILAssist project will support the transfer of knowledge in the future. In SOILAssist, relevant measures were identified that strengthen soil protection when driving on arable land and prevent compaction. They include technical, management, arable and plant cultivation measures. The key is to take a holistic view of the cultivation system - from technology, procedures and planning to implementation in the field.


The SOILAssist project provides important findings on the effects of different driving practices in arable farming on soils. Practical tools and models were developed to optimize the management and reduce soil damage. Formats have also been created to integrate current research findings into practice and training. This strengthens soil protection and offers solutions for problem areas such as soil compaction and erosion. In the context of climate change and increasing political and social demands, SOILAssist provides a component for more sustainable soil use in arable farming.

People and Partners

Project Leaders

  • Dipl.-Inform. Martin Kraft

    Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology, Braunschweig

Partner Organizations

  • Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology

  • Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel (CAU), Department of Landscape Ecology and Geoinformation

  • German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Plan-Based Robot Control, Osnabrück

  • Thünen Institute, Coordination Unit Climate, Soil, Biodiversity, Braunschweig

  • University Osnabrück, Institute of Computer Science


  • Dr. Marco Lorenz

    Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology, Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig