BonaRes” is short for “Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy”. In this funding initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) the focus is on the sustainable use of soils as a limited resource. The ultimate goal of BonaRes is to extend the scientific understanding of soil ecosystems and to improve the productivity of soils and other soil functions while developing new strategies for a sustainable use and management of soils. The BonaRes Portal provides information about the BonaRes projects, access to data, knowledge and models, as well as to decision support options for a sustainable soil management.


June 16, 2024

BonaRes-Conference "Böden als Grundlage einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft"

At the BonaRes Conference "Böden als Grundlage einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft" in Leipzig, experts from both science and agricultural...

May 17, 2024

BonaRes data management workshop recap

Checking and increasing the visibility of your publications.

May 08, 2024

Global warming leads to decline in humus Climate change threatens mountain meadows

Press release Technical Univeristy of Munich   Mountain meadows are unique ecosystems. A research team led by the Technical University of...

March 04, 2024

"BODIUM4Farmers" - second co-design workshop in Halle

The BonaRes Center for Soil Research initiated the second workshop on the web application "BODIUM4Farmers" which took place at the UFZ Halle...

January 11, 2024

Success Stories on data reuse

The BonaRes Repository success stories on data reuse can be an effective tool for communicating the BonaRes Projects's achievements and...

December 18, 2023


Catch crops have a positive effect on humus build-up and the availability of nutrients in soil-plant systems. They also protect against...