Fact Sheet for the Description of Long-Term Field Experiments / Steckbrief zur Beschreibung von Dauerfeldversuchen Text (2019)
Grosse, M., Heinrich, U., Hierold, W.
BonaRes Series, (),
Agricultural long-term field experiments (LTFE) are an important source of knowledge about soil. Their research data often exist as time series and can be used to model slow changes of the soil. LTFE here are defined as field experiments with a minimum duration of 20 years and a static design. In Germany, approximately 200 LTFE exist. As information about LTFE was scattered and difficult to find, one task of BonaRes was the compilation of meta-information. This information was made available in a structured form in an online overview map (https://ltfe-map.bonares.de). For the coordination and simplification of the trial description, the BonaRes Fact Sheet was established, which asks for all relevant trial information such as setup, sampling and site information. - The fact sheet is in English and a German translation “Steckbrief zur Beschreibung von Dauerfeldversuchen”? is included.