BonaRes Products

BonaRes” is a German abbreviation and stands for “Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy”. This funding initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) is focused on the sustainable use of soils as a limited resource. The ultimate goal of BonaRes is to extend the scientific understanding of soil ecosystems and to improve the productivity of soils and other soil functions while developing new strategies for a sustainable use and management of soils. The BonaRes Portal provides information about the BonaRes projects, access to data, knowledge and models, as well as to decision support options for a sustainable soil management.

zwischenfruchtmischung RootWayS

The BonaRes Data Centre merges data from soil research and provides it for general use. First and foremost it refers to research data from the BonaRes collaborative projects. Special attention is drawn to long-term field experiments in Germany which contribute significantly to the analysis of long term soil changes. Soil data from the public sector will also be included like monitoring and research data from other sources. 


A key objective of BonaRes is to predict the impact of agricultural management on key soil functions such as biomass production, water storage and filtering, habitat for biological activity, carbon storage, and nutrient recycling. All these functions depend on a multitude of soil processes and their interactions which are sensitive to agricultural management practices and are differing for soils of different properties. This is why the assessment of soil functions needs to be done in a site-specific way. The ultimate goal of BonaRes is to provide policy makers and farmers with scientifically sound information regarding agricultural management options and their impact on soil functions.



Scientific articles on BonaRes research are regularly published in high-ranking national and international journals. Below, you find a list of articles of all BonaRes collaborative projects. We also publish manuals, fact sheets, workshop and work reports on different aspects of BonaRes research online in our BonaRes report series.

covers pdfs


Collaborative Projects

United expertise

The BonaRes funded research work aims at securing productivity and efficiency of soil as a resource in the long run and – if possible – to enhance them. 10 interdisciplinary collaborative projects and the BonaRes-Centre help to ensure these goals by researching possibilities to optimize soil function and by asking questions such as how can the use of water and nutrition be made more efficient or how can land use strategies and land use management be optimized?

Bonares Centre

BonaRes Centre


The central motivation of the BonaRes Centre is the transfer of existing and newly generated knowledge about soil functions into scientifically based decision support tools for soil management in the context of a sustainable bioeconomy.

catch crops



The main objective is to employ catch cropping for developing innovative farming systems to preserve and improve soil fertility.




InnoSoilPhos intents to optimize the soil-P-fertility in order to lower the dependency on phosphate rock-derived P-fertilizers.

replant disease



ORDIAmur aims at gaining a deeper understanding of the processes resulting in replant disease in order to develop tools for overcoming the disease. For the soil strategies to restore organismic communities will be established. On the plant site tolerant rootstocks shall be developed.


Sustainable Subsoil Management


This project aims, to explore how and to which degree we can manage the subsoil to secure or even increase plant yields by improving the overall nutrient and water use efficiency for crops.

precision farming

Intelligence for Soil


I4S is targeted towards the design of an integrated system for fertilizer recommendations and improvement of soil functions regarding nearly every square meter of soil.

soil compaction



Sustainable protection and improvement of soil functions with intelligent land management strategies – a practical on the fly assistance system for farmers.

subalpine grassland



SUSALPS aims to provide a holistic, evidence-based and process-focused understanding of the responses of key pre-alpine and alpine grassland soil functions to present day and future climate and land management changes, thereby considering specific socio-economic conditions in given regions.




Central aim of SIGNAL is to evaluate whether and under which site conditions agroforestry in Germany can be a land use alternative that is ecologically, economically and socially more sustainable than conventional agriculture.

soil health



The project aim is the investigation of the impact of long-term farming strategies on the soil microbiome and its function in terms of soil suppressiveness against plant pathogens.




Motivation is the development of novel plant cultivation strategies directed towards “engineering” the complex nutrient cycling interactions between plants and soil microorganisms, combined with improved timing of fertilizer and soil amendment applications.

Rhizo4Bio Network

United expertise

Plant roots and soil ecosystems, significance of the rhizosphere for the bio-economy.

Six collaborative projects have been funded since the beginning of 2020 to clarify the interactions between plant roots, the surrounding soil space and the habitat of the organisms.