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Rebound Effects

Case Studies

Here we present two research articles in which rebound effects were found in the context of agricultural land management. They highlight the importance of considering rebound effects in impact assessments.


The first study of Paul et al. (2019) gives an overview of rebound effects related to resources used in agriculture, that were detected in current scientific literature. It furthermore presents a framework helping to assess potential rebound effects. The framework was applied to a test case of emerging technologies and practices in agricultural soil management in Germany. The authors found evidence for strong rebound effects in the context of agricultural land and soil management, especially for increases in productivity and a more efficient use of irrigation water.


The second publication of Hamidov et al. (2022) follows on from these findings, as they studied the impact of the introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies in Uzbekistan based on an expert-based assessment of potential rebound effects. Uzbekistan can be seen as a test case for countries that face water scarcity as a severe challenge and at the same time have restricted data availability for model-based approaches. The results of the study suggest that rebound effects are likely to occur and might reduce the actual water savings, unless effective policy interventions are made.

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