The BonaRes assessment platform is designed to support researchers in conducting state of the art impact assessments for evaluating effects of the management of soils and soil functions.
Here you can find information on how to structure impact assessments, define appropriate system boundaries, select relevant impact areas and indicators, deal with leakage-, cascade- and rebound effects and finally, how to integrate findings from multiple indicators into a single comprehensive assessment.
Special emphasis is given to the selection of impact areas and indicators. In the respective section you can generate custom-made factsheets that fit your research objectives. Simple drop down menus allow you to select different impact areas from the assessment perspectives of Ecosystem Services, Resource Use Efficiency or Sustainable Development Goals. Each factsheet provides a description of the impact area, a set of sample indicators, a short analysis of strengths and weaknesses relevant to the assessment and examples of application in recent literature.
We hope you enjoy working with the BonaRes Impact Assessment Platform and welcome feedback that helps us to further improve it.