Existing overviews soil policy instruments 
In the scientific literature (peer-reviewed articles, reports etc.) numerous overviews of soil policy instruments on national and EU level can be found. Here, we provide a commented list of recent examples with different foci: 

Ecologic inventory 

Ecologic inventory
Ecologic Institute, 2017: Updated Inventory and Assessment of Soil Protection Policy Instruments in EU Member States. Report to DG Environment. 


The most comprehensive inventory of soil-related policy instruments in the EU.

Peer-reviewed publications
Vrebos, D., Bampa, F., Creamer, R.E., Gardi, C., Ghaley, B.B., Jones, A., Rutgers, 
M., Sandén, T., Staes, J., Meire, P., 2017: The impact of policy instruments on soil multifunctionality in the European Union. Sustainability 9(3): 407. [http://doi.org/10.3390/su9030407] - Analysis of the impact of policy instruments on EU, national and regional levels on soil multifunctionality.


Turpin, N., ten Berge, H., Grignani, C., Guzmán, G., Vanderlinden, K., Steinmann, 
H.-H., Siebielec, G., Spiegel, A., Perret, E., Ruysschaert, G., Laguna, A., Giráldez, 
J.V., Werner, M., Raschke, I., Zavattaro, L., Costamagna, C., Schlatter, N., Berthold, 
H., Sandén, T., Baumgarten, A., 2017: An assessment of policies affecting Sustainable 
Soil Management in Europe and selected member states. Land Use Policy 66: 241–249. [http://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.04.001] - Assessment of soil-related policy instruments on EU level and in selected member states and regions (Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Andalusia, Flanders).


Glæsner, N., Helming, K., de Vries, W., 2014: Do current European policies prevent 
soil threats and support soil functions? Sustainability 6: 9538–9563. [http://doi.org/10.3390/su6129538] - Analysis of EU-level soil-related policies with respect to their influence on soil threats and soil functions.


Prager, K., Schuler, J., Helming, K., Zander, P., Ratinger, T., Hagedorn, K., 2011: Soil degradation, farming practices, institutions and policy responses: An analytical 
framework. Land Degradation and Development 22: 32–46. [http://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.979] - Analysis of effectiveness and efficiency of a selected set of soil-related policies across Europe within the Institutions of Sustainability framework.

Soil-relevant AES
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