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Report on available soil data for German agricultural areas (2019)

Stein, S., Eberhardt, E., Grosse, M., Helming, K., Hierold, W., Hoffmann, C., Kühnert, T., Ließ, M., Russell, D., Schulz, S., Specka, X., Svoboda, N., Zoarder, M., Heinrich, U.

BonaRes Series, (),



One task of the BonaRes Data Centre is to support the research projects of the BonaRes funding initiative in the detection and reuse of geospatial soil data for Germany from different sources such as public authorities, state agencies or research institutions. This report provides an overview of available soil data from survey programs as well as derived data products with information about data lineage and access. In case of specific characteristics of the data concerning the validity, completeness, currentness or resolution, these are mentioned to estimate the reusability. The data sources are further evaluated in accordance with the FAIR principles.

BonaRes Centre