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Overview of relevant standards for the BonaRes-Program Text (2018)

Hoffmann, C., Schulz, S., Eberhardt, E., Grosse, G., Russell, D., Kühnert, T., Stein, S., Zoarder, M., Specka, X., Svoboda, N., Heinrich, U.

BonaRes Series, (),



Major task of the BonaRes Data Centre is to create a user-friendly data repository to upload, manage and provide soil and soil-related research data in findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable formats for continued use (see FAIR data principles). To meet these requirements, the application of accepted and widely used standards, regulations, conventions and guidelines for the different stages of research data life is necessary. Regarding the BonaRes project such standards concern e.g. the classification and description of soils, field and lab methods, agricultural technology, plant varieties, fertilizers, farming and agricultural business data, metadata, data quality control, transfer to data bases, data storage and archiving, exchange formats and languages, controlled vocabularies, and, not least, the provision of data via geo-data services and a web portal. This document presents and discusses a variety of data standards for all data life stages from its acquisition to its provision. It aims to inform owner.

BonaRes Centre