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Die Biotopausstattung der Brunnenkopfalm im Ammergebirge zu Beginn der Wiederbeweidung (2019.0)

Fütterer S., Ewald J.

Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 89 (), p. 83-104


Before the onset of a re-grazing experiment vegetation and habitat types of the subalpine pasture Brunnenkopf (Ammergebirge, Bavaria, Germany) were examined and mapped. Vegetation plots with all vascular plants and their cover were recorded for each type. Vegetation types included alpine and subalpine calcareous grassland (Seslerion, FFH-habitat code 6170), tall herb anthropogenic vegetation (Rumicion alpini), alkaline fens (Caricion davallianae, 7230), bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron hirsutum (Erico-Pinion, 4070*) and mat-grass chionophilous swards (Nardion). Threats, successional trends and management measures were proposed for each type. Vegetation analysis revealed high floristic diversity of the pasture including numerous valuable and rare plant species. Calcareous grasslands comprised several variants, of which the typical one exhibited the highest species density. Reintroduction of grazing can have positive as well as negative effects on species composition and conservation value of habitats, which can be optimized by the proposed measures of conservation-oriented pasture management.
