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December 02, 2022

Vacancy: Scientist to -  Analyse factors determining future soil health in European regions (m/f/d)

zalf news

The Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) with the research group Impact Assessment (Research Area 3) offers a up to 100% position at our Müncheberg location. Starting as soon as possible and limited until end of 2027.


The EU funded 5-year project „Soils for Europe“ will establish Think Tanks for the 8 soil health objectives defined in the Horizon Europe Soil Mission with the aim of co-creating knowledge and identifying research needs to implement the mission. Therein, ZALF will conduct foresight studies and anticipatory analyses of future opportunities and threats for sustainable soil and land management in European regions.


Your main tasks:

  • analyse socio-economic, technological, and environmental driving forces affecting soil and land management at the regional level in Europe
  • conduct integrated assessments of driving forces with regard to soil health across all land use types (agriculture, forestry, urban, natural land)
  • identify opportunities and threats for sustainable soil management contribute to a roadmap for research an innovation at the European level


Download the full job offer here.