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October 25, 2024

Successful workshop on “Key elements in selecting a Research Data Repository”

20241015 bonares data workshop

workshop - Key Elements in selecting a Research Data Repository: Use Case BonaRes Repository

BonaRes Repository successfully presented "Key Elements in Selecting a Research Data Repository: Use Case BonaRes Repository" on October 15, 2024.

Academics learnt how to choose a data repository during the session. The workshop covered institutional, domain-specific, and general-purpose repositories and FAIR data publishing. Attendees observed how a well-structured repository like BonaRes might increase research data visibility, citation, and reuse. BonaRes' 'Data of the Month' initiative, which highlights datasets and fosters researcher collaboration, was the session highlight. The interactive workshop also addressed data preparation, licensing, and repository compatibility.

We appreciate the cooperation and look forward to sharing data stewardship ideas with academia.

Workshop materials are accessible at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13981071