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March 20, 2018

Special issue ”Impact of soil management on soil functions“

Dear colleagues,

Again, thank you very much for your contribution to the large number of high-quality presentations during the BonaRes conference in Berlin! As a follow up of this conference we would like to compile a special issue (SI) entitled ”Impact of soil management on soil functions“ in a suitable soil journal. We know that this topic is attractive for various journals but before we approach them for detailed planning we would like to inquire about the potential contributions.

So we would like to ask you if you are interested to submit a paper to such an SI by providing a preliminary title and the corresponding author of it (the manuscripts should be submitted within about 6 months). Please send the following information by email to Lena Roos (alena.roos@ufz.de)

Title: …
Corresponding author: …

and please indicate your preference with respect to the journal (replace „x“ by 1,2,… where 1 means highest preference, leave the „x“ if you would not be willing to submit a paper to the corresponding journal):

x_ European Journal of Soil Science (Wiley, IF 3.47)
x_ Soil & Tillage Research (Elsevier, IF 3.41)
x_ Geoderma (Elsevier, IF 4.019
x_ SOIL (Copernicus, open access, IF: not yet)
x_ Frontiers in Environmental Science (open access, IF: not yet)

Depending on your feedback - until March 31st we will start working to make this happen.

Hans-Jörg Vogel
(on behalf of all convenors of the BonaRes2018 sessions)
