TIME: Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 9:00 – 16:30
The Soil Mission Support (SMS) project comes to its end. After 2 years of working side by side with our partners, the project is holding its final conference.
SMS supports the Horizon Europe Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ through improving the coordination of research and innovation (R&I) on sustainable soil and land management. Goal oriented criteria for Living Labs and Lighthouses were identified. SMS created an R&I Roadmap towards healthy soils by 2030 to map out the road ahead towards this transition. Further, the project developed a living platform to facilitate a continuous roadmap development and implementation.
During the conference, we will inform on the roadmap and discuss its practical applications in the years ahead. There will also be opportunity to learn from and discuss successful examples of existing Living Labs and Lighthouses. Soil and land use actors will share their ideas about the future of the European landscape and soils through interactive exercises and panel discussions with representatives of the European Commission.
- The streaming of the conference is available here (streamed September 27 from 9:00 to 13:00): https://vimeo.com/event/2430017/982046a6d4
- The agenda of the final conference is available here: https://www.soilmissionsupport.eu/fileadmin/inhalte/soilmission/pdf/sms-final-conference-draft-agenda.pdf
- Get more information on the SMS project on their website: https://www.soilmissionsupport.eu/
- A factsheet presenting SMS main results is available here: https://www.soilmissionsupport.eu/fileadmin/inhalte/soilmission/pdf/smsfinalconference_2pager.pdf