The BonaRes Repository team is pleased to announce that the datasets of the “Forschungsring e.V.” Darmstadt Feld A and E long-term experiments (LTE) have now been published and are ready to be downloaded for reuse (CC-BY) under the following DOIs:
In the data set, parent table of “Long-term fertilization field experiment Darmstadt (Feld A) from 1981 to 2009” is provided, consisting of 25 individual tables related to each other. In 1980 a fertilization trial started at the Institute for Biodynamic Research in Darmstadt (today Forschungsring e.V.), Germany. The experiment was set up as a strip design with four replicates, the treatments being farmyard manure treatments with and without biodynamic preparations and mineral fertilization, each at various levels.
The dataset for Darmstadt (Feld E) ranged from 1996 to 2009 consisting of 26 individual tables related to each other. In organic farms under low-yielding site conditions (e.g., sandy soils, dry climate), the size of animal husbandry is frequently restricted by the fact that the site conditions allow for a limited quantity of forage growing only.
Access to the datasets is provided by the BonaRes Repository. For an overview of other LTEs in Europe, see our LTE overview map.
Currently, research data from the following LTEs are available for download in the BonaRes repository:
Photo caption: LTE Darmstadt Field A and E: Data collection