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March 20, 2020


news 0018

CO2-Zertifikate für die Festlegung atmosphärischen Kohlenstoffs in Böden:
Methoden, Maßnahmen und Grenzen.

Agricultural soils can make a valuable contribution to climate change mitigation through their ability to store organic carbon. In this publication, scientists from the BonaRes programme assess whether and how CO2 certificates on the private market may provide an incentive for increasing the organic carbon content of agricultural soils. Recommendations on how to measure and calculate the amount of carbon stored in soils are provided, different management options for increasing soil organic carbon stock are evaluated, and difficulties with regard to climate change mitigation by means of CO2 certificates for increasing soil organic carbon are discussed.
(Text: C. Paul, ZALF)

Wiesmeier et al. (2020), BonaRes Series 2020/1; DOI 10.20387/bonares-f8t8-xz4h