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September 02, 2024

Catch crops in agriculture - the booklet is available! 


Nine years of catch crop research in the CATCHY project have produced exciting and some unexpected results, but have also raised many new questions. We are at the beginning of a new perspective on intercropping. Catch crops are more than just a measure to reduce soil erosion and nutrient losses, but a multifunctional tool to positively influence processes in the soil.  The CATCHY project aimed to investigate the effects of different catch crops on soil functions, microbial material cycles, plant characteristics and yield stability.

The findings of the Research Project are summarized in a comprehensive booklet with detailed process descriptions, results and recommendations for farmers. The BonaRes booklet is available in german language at the following address:



The podcast “Forschung aktuell” from Deutschlandfunk also discusses the positive climate impact of catch crops (in German). In an interview with Peter Breunig from the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, he explains why the cultivation of catch crops leads to a reduction in greenhouse gases and what other advantages the cultivation of catch crop mixtures has. You can listen to the podcast at the following link: www.deutschlandfunk.de/klimaschutz-weniger-treibhausgase-durch-zwischenfruechte-dlf-d510af33-100.html