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August 14, 2020

BonaRes-Center comments on BMEL-Agriculture Strategy 2035

news 0002

adThe "Ackerbaustrategie 2035“  (Farming Strategy 2035) of the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) intends to make a contribution to the long-term safeguarding of yields, resource conservation, biodiversity and sustainability in German agriculture. Soil protection plays a central role within this strategy. Representatives of the BonaRes Centre took a closer look at soil as field of action and commented on the farming strategy.

Read the BonaRes Centre’s comment as a download (in German):

Download BonaRes-Zentrum Stellungnahme Ackerbaustrategie – Handlungsfeld Boden


Connected links:

BMEL- Farming Strategy 2035 (in German):


Press release online consultation (in German):
