Early career  

The ambition of BonaRes is not only to develop solutions for sustainable soil management to support the bioeconomy, but also to foster the establishment of a truly interdisciplinary scientific community: the BonaRes community. 


Early career scientists have a key role for fostering this BonaRes community, because they develop and pilot new methods and modes of research and they do shape research processes of the future. Early career scientists include in particular PhD-students and Post-Docs, and in general all, who wish being part of this group and endeavour!


The Early Career Corner is the place to present calls and information on relevant community building, networking and supporting activities with relevance for BonaRes. Have your contribution included here by sending an email to bonares@ufz.de and refer to the Early Career Corner.


Are you interest in more Early Career activities? Please visit the webpage of the network "Young Professionals in Soil Science (YPSS)" here.




Early Career Student Oral Presentation and Poster Awards at BonaRes 2018 conference


At the conference, we will present BonaRes Early Career Student Oral Presentation and Poster Awards. Eligible are students attending the conference that


1. are first author and personally present an oral or poster presentation at the conference;

2. are a current undergraduate (e.g., BSc), postgraduate (e.g., MSc) student, or PhD candidate.


There will be one award for the best oral presentation and a second award for the best poster presentation.