Research Tool
Indicator Factsheet Selection
Ecosystem Services
For structuring the impact areas related to the supply of ecosystem services, we use the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES). It uses a hierarchical classification and represents a standard that facilitates comparability and upscaling of ecosystem service research. More information on the CICES classification can be found under
1. Biotic: Provisioning Services
2. Biotic: Regulation and Maintenance Services
3. Biotic: Cultural Services
4. Abiotic: Provisioning Services
5. Abiotic: Regulation & Maintenance Services
6. Abiotic: Cultural
Resource Use Efficiencies
Resource use efficiency is the ratio of benefits generated and the amount of resources used for this. Resource use efficiencies are calculated for resources that are either limited (e.g., land, water, energy) or that may create conflicts with other societal targets (e.g., pesticides, greenhouse gas emissions). Based on a review of scientific literature, we identified resource use efficiencies relevant in the context of agricultural soil management.
1. Aboveground biomass
2. Embodied Energy
3. Embodied Nitrogen
4. Financial Benefits
5. Grain/Fruit/Tuber yield
6. Sequestered Carbon
Sustainable Development Goals
You can also select indicator factsheets based on Sustainable Development Goals by clicking on the link below.
Indicator Factsheet Selection