BonaRes Repository for Soil and Agricultural Research Data

The BonaRes Repository makes your data visible to the world. It is a free infrastructure for researchers and the community to publish and find data related to soil, agriculture and ecology from Germany and the world. In our repository you can publish your data and receive a unique digital object identifier (DOI). We offer several additional services such as our long-term field experiment map, our soil profile data base, community engagement and soil data related materials.

Video (04:09)

Find data

See what's in our repository, expore long-term experiments and soil profiles.

Publish data

Make your dataset findable, accessible and reusable with an unique DOI - Make it FAIR!


Become part of our community. Help us to improve the AGROVOC thesaurus of the FAO.


Take a deeper look into what we do. Find articles, reports and manuals.


Success Stories - Data reuse

Cenk DönmezORCID 

Data reuse in GIS
  • Long Term Experiment (LTE=>20a) metadata set, downloaded through the BonaRes Repository with DOI

  • Quantifying anticipated spatially differentiated changes in agroclimatic conditions

  • Comparing a baseline period (1971–2000) with future timeframes (2021–2100) in line with the IPCC's Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP)

  • Facilitating future soil and crop modeling studies using LTE data and providing essential data for planning new LTE sites.

Marcus Schmidt in a blooming agroforestry system - ORCID

Data Synthesis in the SIGNAL project
  • The SIGNAL project worked on common plots and coordinated data collection from the start.

  • This paid out by data that could be combined to see overall ecosystem patterns.

  • Data quality and openness contributed to highranking publication.



Do you have a data reuse story to tell?

Download the template and get in touch with Maureen.










Find data

The BonaRes Repository

Our BonaRes Repository offers a variety of data on soil, agriculture and ecology. Agricultural and soil research data often have geospatial information and are therefore visible and findable at maps. 

Data of the month

Soil respiration of a European beech and a Scots pine forest

Hubert Jochheim, Stephan Wirth, Valentin Gartiser, Sinikka Jasmin Paulus, Christoph Haas, Horst H. Gerke, Martin Maier

The data collection contains 6-year measurement data series (2014-2019) on CO2 concentration, temperature and moisture in different soil depths of a European beech forest (Fagus sylvatica) and a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris) in the northeast German lowlands both representing intensive monitoring plots in the ICP Forests programme ( In addition, occasionally collected measurement data (67 and 64 dates for the beech and pine forest, respectively) on CO2 efflux with the closed chamber method over 2 years (2018-2019) are included. Data on air temperature and air pressure complete the data set.

The data was processed and used to calculate the CO2 efflux and the soil layer-specific CO2 production using the flux-gradient method. This detailed model input data and simulation results are also included.


soil respiration

Hubert Jochheim (ZALF)
Dataset: Soil respiration of a European beech and a Scots pine forest
Previous Data of the month

Grain Yield data UKiel V140 - INPLAMINT

Steffen Rothardt


Steffen Rothardt
dataset grain yield UKiel- V140 - INPLAMINT

Cover crops improve soil structure and change OC distribution in aggregate fractions - CATCHY aggregate stability 2020.

Norman Gentsch, Florin Laura Riechers, Diana Heuermann, Jens Boy, Dörte Schweneker, Ulf Feuerstein, Georg Guggenberger


Norman Gentsch
Data of the month - may 2024

"Soil fungal community across a 52-year chronosequence of soil recultivation after open-mining in Inden, Germany."

Julien Roy, Rüdiger Reichel, Nicolas Brüggemann, Matthias Rillig



Julien Roy

Temperate agroforestry and monoculture - roots, gross N mineralization, microbial biomass C and N, trace gases, water storage, nutrient leaching.

Marcus Schmidt, Leonie Göbel, Xenia Bischel, Jie Luo, Guodong Shao


Marcus Schmidt

Long-term field experiment V140 Muencheberg from (launched in 1963).

Dietmar Barkusky (ZALF)


Grain legume production data for soybean, lupins and faba bean, the effect of cultivars and irrigation and impacts on the following winter wheat (data collection)

Moritz Reckling, Kathleen Karges, Gunhild Rosner (ZALF)



Growth parameters, nutrient status and colonization density of beneficial microbes in winter rye grown organically and conventionally.

Jan Helge Behr (DiControl)


dicontrol dataset


Tree species composition of a landscape in north-eastern Germany in 1780, 1890 and 2010.

Monika Wulf, Ute Jahn, Kristin Meier, Mareike Radtke (ZALF)




BonaRes SIGNAL biomass production starting in 2016.

Marcus Schmidt (SIGNAL)


dataset signal biomass thumbnail

Provision of Metadata of European Agricultural Long-Term Experiments through BonaRes and EJP SOIL Collaboration.

Cenk Dönmez (ZALF)


13 05 2022 bonares und ejp soil kooperation

Long-term experiments

With environmental conditions changing year by year and management effects taking time to show up, field trials over many years or even decades are invalable in understanding the dynamics in soils. Visit our map and database on where such research is done across Europe and where to find more information.

Looking for long-term experiments?

We have collected information about 532 LTE in Europe and Germany together with partners from EJP SOIL. This information has been compiled in a dynmic online map.


lte overview map

Published LTE datasets

"Long-term field experiment V140 Muencheberg (launched in 1963)"


"Long-Term Fertilization Trial Dikopshof "


3914269 1920 peter-h
How to be part of the map?

Each long-term field experiment is unique. If you are interested in publishing such data or information (metadata) about your experiment, please contact us for custom solution. 


Ask Cenk Dönmez


Phone: +49 33432 82-402

Soil profiles

We offer easy and standardized access to uniformly structured and stored soil profile data for research. Here you can search for existing soil profiles or enter new ones with associated laboratory analyzes into the BonaRes Repository and publish them. Published soil profiles receive a DOI individually or as a collection, and are therefore accessible, reusable and citable for other scientists.


Soil profilePhoto: Gerhard Milbert
BonaRes Soil Profile Database

We have developed an online service to facilitate provision and resuse of soil profiles collected, for example, in scientific projects. 

soil profiles db

Ask our support



Publish data into the BonaRes Repository

Share research data

When you are looking to publish research data, the BonaRes Repository is a great place to start. Contact us or upload your data directly.

Share soil profiles

Soil profile data often has a clear structure, calling for a specific format to be published in. Share your profiles with the world while receiving credit by getting a DOI for each of your profiles.

Share LTE data

Become part of our Long-term field experiment map by sharing metadata and/or data about your experiment with us. This also enables others to get to know your experiment and link to your project.


Abraham Tula


Phone: +49 33432 82-180


Maureen Atemkeng


Phone: +49 33432 82-4091


Cenk Dönmez


Phone: +49 33432 82-402

Engage - Become part of our community!

Soil is just as divers as the community studying it. That’s because soil touches so many research areas, for example microbiology, hydrology, climatology & ecology. All these scientific fields produce data related to soils - and this data is required for further studies, meta-analyses, models or political recommendations.

Agredit - AGROVOC Review & Discussion Tool

The AGROVOC is a collection of agricultural terms and definitions in multiple languages, aimed to standardize searching and indexing of agricultural terms. We developed the Agredit tool as a place for user-driven improvement of the AGROVOC. You can use it to idenfiy and discuss keywords and share your expertise.

Take a look at our Agredit video!



Atemkeng, M. F., Svoboda, N., Hoffmann, C., Specka, X., Tula, A. (2023). Let´s Be FAIR with DATA. Zenodo, (), . doi:10.5281/zenodo.7503081


Donmez, C., Hoffmann, C., Svoboda, N., Atemkeng, M., Ostler, R., Kersebaum, K. C., D’Hose, T., Specka, X., Hierold, W., Helming, K. (2023). Long-Term Field Experiments: Lift the Agricultural Data Treasure. BonaRes Series, (), . doi:10.20387/bonares-7ss0-zm41


Dönmez et al.  (2022) "Provision of metadata of european agricultural long-term experiments through BonaRes and EJP SOIL collaboration". Data in Brief 42. DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108226