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Grosse, M., Hierold, W. (2019, 21. May). Long-term Field Experiments in Germany. Dataset published via Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research . Abgerufen am , von https://maps.bonares.de/mapapps/resources/apps/bonares/index.html?lang=en&mid=68ae28c6-c8ae-475f-9b84-d7d11ef5891d



This dataset provides detailed information about 205 Long-term Field Experiments (LTFE) in Germany. The research was done in the context of the funding initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) 'BonaRes' (www.bonares.de). LTFE here are defined as agricultural field experiments with the minimum duration of 20 years, a static design and research in the context of bioeconomy. Experiments with a duration of less than 20 years but reaching this age during the BonaRes funding period (2015-2024) are considered as LTFE as well. Information about duration, research theme, holding institution, research parameters, location, landuse category, membership in networks, size and experimental setup are provided. In addition BonaRes performed a classification of the experiments and assigned them to five soil functions. The classification was done according to our knowledge about the data which was collected in the respective LTFE up to now. The following five soil functions were chosen as most relevant for BonaRes: biomass production, storage and filtering of water, storage and recycling of nutrients, carbon storage, habitat for biological activity.

BonaRes Centre