BonaRes Series


The BonaRes Series publishes various formats related to the “BonaRes” funding initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). BonaRes is short for “Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy”. The focus is on the sustainable use of soils as a limited resource. BonaRes extends the evidence base for scientists and decision-makers regarding soil systems to improve the productivity of soils and other soil functions while developing new strategies for a sustainable soil management. 


The BonaRes Series is an online publication hub. Various formats of publications are possible under the conditions that these are related by content to the field of “soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy” and satisfy a basic quality standard – both being assessed by an editorial process. Accepted submissions (in English or German) are provided with a DOI and published online via the BonaRes Portal Submission - of your publishable data (e.g. manuscript) and a completed meta-information template - is requested by email by the corresponding author to the BonaRes Secretariat:


BonaRes Series submission meta-information template

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS - the complete  and latest overview of publications within the BonRes series can be found here: