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BODIUM4Farmers is based on the systemic soil model BODIUM. The free model tool with an intuitive user interface is designed to support farms in harmonizing their long-term business orientation with good yields and healthy soils.

A tool for good yields and healthy soil in long-term

Farmers are currently facing numerous challenges:
The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly noticeable and require changes in cultivation. At the same time, agriculture should be managed in a way that saves resources, protects the climate and biodiversity while maintaining consistently high yields in order to ensure food security and the economic stability of the farm. In addition, there are changing political and legal framework conditions to which farmers must constantly reorient themselves.

With the BODIUM4Farmers model tool, we want to support farms in balancing long-term land use with good yields and healthy soils.

What is BODIUM4Farmers?

The tool helps to answer the following questions
1. How does a change in cultivation (crop rotation, tillage, fertilization) affect the yield and soil condition at the field site?
2. How does climate change affect the soil and yield?

It provides information on the medium and long-term development of: 
• Yields
• Carbon storage
• Water storage capacity
• Nurient losses & nutrient use efficiency

How does BODIUM4Farmers work?

1. Entering the location enables access to local soil and weather data from databases.

2. Entering the management data of the field / import via field management software.

3. Setting new cultivation options: Crop rotation, fertilization, tillage

4. Output of results: Long-term changes in yields and soil condition compared to current management for various climate scenarios.
It shows the change in soil functions under selected management and climate scenarios. The results relate to an individual field with the respective site conditions and thus evaluate the sustainability of management options on a field-specific basis.


The aims of BODIUM4Farmers


  • Create a reliable tool for long-term management planning under the effects of climate change

  • Support farmers in the important task of food production and soil protection

  • Preserve healthy soils as a basis for human life and yields

Contact us!

We want to work together with farmers, agricultural advisors and researchers to develop BODIUM4Farmers in a meaningful way and are very interested to hear from you!

judith rueschhoff

Judith Rüschhoff (UFZ)

Tel: +49(0)341 60254403

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